The attached patch simplifies and speeds up the RangedIterator.
The benchmarks were run using the following function to test vector iteration:
(defn consume-iterator
(let [iter (-iterator v)]
(loop []
(when (.hasNext iter)
(.next iter)
A series of "simple-benchmarks" were setup as follows:
(simple-benchmark [v (into [] (range N))] (consume-iterator v) I)
Where 'N' and 'I' were values from the 'Vector Size' and 'Iterations' columns of the table below .
|Vector Size|Iterations|V8 Speed (link: msec) (master)|V8 Speed (link: msec) (patch)|JSC Speed (link: msec) (master)| JSC Speed (link: msec) (patch)|
| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
Javascript engine versions used:
V8 version
JSC version Unknown
The RangedIterator constructor function ranged-iterator
was also made private.