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in ClojureScript by
Current implementation of cljs.core/distinct uses persistent set. This patch improves performance by ~10%-33% by using transient map instead. Mirror Clojure task CLJ-2090

10 elements
(reduce + 0 (distinct coll))     12.360220502805724 µs => 9.504153281757874 µs (-23%)
(transduce (distinct) + 0 coll)  7.689213711227641 µs => 5.3549045227207 µs (-30%)
100 elements
(reduce + 0 (distinct coll))     136.43424283765356 µs => 106.66990187713321 µs (-21%)
(transduce (distinct) + 0 coll)  73.05427319211107 µs => 48.737280701754386 µs (-33%)
1000 elements
(reduce + 0 (distinct coll))     1.1207102908277415 ms => 919.8952205882359 µs (-17%)
(transduce (distinct) + 0 coll)  677.2834912043312 µs => 482.79681467181547 µs (-28%)
10000 elements
(reduce + 0 (distinct coll))     4.777295238095228 ms => 4.3203448275862115 ms (-9%)
(transduce (distinct) + 0 coll)  2.889020114942531 ms => 2.44890487804879 ms (-15%)

Benchmarking code: https://gist.github.com/tonsky/258c3d715e6a485522f7ba5e663624fd

2 Answers

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Comment made by: mfikes

cljs-1881-transient-in-distinct.patch no longer applies

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJS-1881 (reported by tonsky)