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in ClojureCLR by

Hello, I've been skimming through the clojure-clr code and I was wondering if it's possible to upgrade targeting to .NET Core 2.0.
I've opened this issue with two questions in mind:

  1. Is it possible?
  2. Is it worth it ?

I want to hear your thoughts on this.

Thank you.

6 Answers

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Comment made by: emanuelmd

I did some investigations, and I think targeting the .NET Standard 2.0 would be better since it'd allow other implementations of that standard run the code. I've also looked for some steps on the upgrade process, I think it's doable. The only thing that I don't know about is the Microsoft.Scripting namespace, it seems it doesn't exist in .NET Standard 2.0

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Comment made by: alexmiller

Moved to the CLJCLR project.

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Comment made by: dmiller

I think this is a worthy goal.

The biggest impediment is the reliance on the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) and System.Reflection.Emit. Both are essential to the current implementation. In the early discussion of .Net Core, even System.Reflection.Emit was not planned. Now, it appears that System.Reflection.Emit is available as a NuGet package for .Net Core 2.0. And the DLR repo shows some activity of adding support for .Net Core.

My long-term plan is to get rid of any reliance on the DLR. Then only System.Reflection.Emit is required.

My long-term plan also includes a complete rewrite of the compiler.

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Comment made by: emanuelmd

I'd love to help with that.

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Comment made by: dmiller

I haven't announced anything publicly, but my initial thoughts are here: https://github.com/dmiller/clojure-clr-next

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJCLR-94 (reported by alex+import)