When an imported class is used as a value, the emitted bytecode uses {{RT.classForName}} to obtain the Class object, causing the class to be loaded and static initializers to be executed. This is different from when (link: text: Java calls static initializers) and makes it more difficult to use clojure with code that depend on the Java semantics.
Some code has static initializers that can only execute in a certain environment. A prime example is JavaFX, where many JavaFX classes require the JavaFX platform to be started before any static initializers can run.
Consider this code:
(import 'javafx.scene.control.Cell)
(defn f [] Cell)
It currently can't be compiled and executed (for example with "{{clj example.clj}}" using clojure-1.9.0beta2) failing with a {{CompilerException java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError}}, with the root cause "Toolkit not initialized". This use of {{Cell}} as the return value of {{f}} causes the class to be loaded and initialised.
Modify ObjExpr.emitValue to emit a call to {{RT.classForNameNonLoading}} instead of {{RT.classForName}} when the value being emitted is a Class.
Prior art
The {{import}} form previously was changed to similarly not load the class ((link: text: CLJ-1315)) and (link: text: CLJ-1743) attempts to address similar issues where Clojure differs from the Java semantics.