pprint currently doesn't print the names of defrecord types, instead printing just the underlying map. This is in contrast to pr-str/println. This ticket proposes that the behaviour of pprint is changed to match pr-str and println's.
More discussion at
user=> (defrecord myrec [a b])
user=> (->myrec 1 2)
#user.myrec{:a 1, :b 2}
user=> (pr-str (->myrec 1 2))
"#user.myrec{:a 1, :b 2}"
user=> (println (->myrec 1 2))
#user.myrec{:a 1, :b 2}
user=> (pprint (->myrec 1 2))
{:a 1, :b 2}
*Approach:* Add new IRecord case to pprint's simple-dispatch mode. Extract guts of pprint-map to pprint-map-kvs and call it from both existing pprint-map and new pprint-record. Set multimethod preference for IRecord version. Added test.
user=> (pprint (->myrec 1 2))
#user.myrec{:a 1, :b 2}
*Patch:* CLJ-1890-pprint-records-2.patch
*Prescreened by:* Alex Miller
*Also see:* CLJS-1753