Comment made by: ericnormand
I've made a test just to back up the timing claims I made above. If you run the file timingtest.clj, it will run code with both reset! and swap! constantly, with a validator that sleeps for 10ms. In both cases, it will print out the number of uniques (should be equal to number of reset!s, in this case 1000) and the time (using clojure.core/time). The timing numbers are relative to the machine, so should not be taken as absolutes. Instead, the ratio between them is what's important.
Run with: java -cp clojure-1.7.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar clojure.main timingtest.clj
Existing implementation:
"Elapsed time: 1265.228 msecs"
Uniques with reset!: 140
"Elapsed time: 11609.686 msecs"
Uniques with swap!: 1000
"Elapsed time: 7010.132 msecs"
Uniques with swap! and reset!: 628
Note that the behaviors differ: swap! serializes the watchers, reset! does not (1. of uniques).
Suggested implementation:
"Elapsed time: 1268.778 msecs"
Uniques with reset!: 1000
"Elapsed time: 11716.678 msecs"
Uniques with swap!: 1000
"Elapsed time: 7015.994 msecs"
Uniques with swap! and reset!: 1000
Same tests being run. This time, they both serialize watchers. Also, the timing has not changed significantly.