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in core.async by

Currently, the thread macro's behavior when an exception occurs is to print the exception (with {{println}}), and swallow it.

Although I make a habit of wrapping a {{try}} around code inside a {{thread}} form, I still find this a bit limited; it would be nice if there was a function that could be dynamically bound, that handled the case of an exception inside a {{thread}}.

2 Answers

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Comment made by: alexmiller

Patches on ASYNC-76 have been applied and exceptions will now flow up to the top of the thread, where they can be caught by the standard Thread uncaught exception handler mechanism or ultimately by the default uncaught exception handler, which can be set for the application. There may still be further changes to support exception handling in thread/go.

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/ASYNC-71 (reported by hlewisship)