For example:
user=> (proxy [java.util.BitSet] []
(flip [bitIndex]
(proxy-super flip bitIndex)))
Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:73:5 - call to method flip can't be resolved (target class is unknown).
I believe this issue might be fixed by simply adding type-hint metadata to the 'this symbol emitted by the proxy macro. I have not tried this change, but this macro seems to indicate it should work:
(defmacro proxy-super-cls [cls meth & args]
(let [thissym (with-meta (gensym) {:tag cls})]
`(let [~thissym ~'this]
(proxy-call-with-super (fn [] (. ~thissym ~meth ~@args)) ~thissym ~(name meth))
user=> (proxy [java.util.BitSet] []
(flip [bitIndex]
(proxy-super-cls java.util.BitSet flip bitIndex)))
<BitSet$ff19274a {}>