Comment made by: jafingerhut
I believe that the fact that get lookup of a float in a map with at most 8 keys is an accident of the implementation.
The reason why it fails with larger maps and hash sets is that the hash value is different for (double 1.0) and (float 1.0).
user=> (hash (float 1.0))
user=> (hash 1.0)
All of the values like 1.0 and others in your example default to type double. Note that if you force the keys of a map to be float, then lookup succeeds, even if the map has more than 8 keys:
user=> (get {(float 1.0) "a" 2.0 "b" 3.0 "c" 4.0 "d" 5.0 "e" 6.0 "f" 7.0 "g" 8.0 "h" 1 "i"} (float 1))
My guess is that except for the accident that get with a small map happens to return a successful lookup, everything here is working as designed.
I believe the reason that get with a small map does find a match for looking up (float 1) is probably because the implementation of small maps is as an ArrayMap, where lookup keys are sequentially compared against all keys in an array using clojure.core/= (or its Java equivalent), and:
user=> (= (float 1) (double 1))