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in Metadata by

I think that multimethod metadata can be extended a bit with some property indicating the var in question is referring to a multimethod (we have something similar for macros) and some default arglists property.

I'm raising this issue because as a tool writer (CIDER) I'm having hard time determining if something is a multimethod (I have to resort to code like (instance? clojure.lang.MultiFn obj) which is acceptable, but not ideal I think (compared to macros and special forms)). There's also the problem that I cannot provide the users with eldoc (function signature) as it's not available in the metadata (this issue was raised on the mailing list as well https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/clojure/crje_RLTWdk).

I feel that we really have a problem with the missing arglist and we should solve it somehow. I'm not sure I'm suggesting the best solution and I'll certainly take any solution.

2 Answers

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Comment made by: bozhidar

Btw, I failed to mention this as I thought it was obvious, but I think we should use the dispatch function's arglist in the multimethod metadata.

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJ-1522 (reported by bozhidar)