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in Compiler by

(ns field-test.core
(:import [java.util UUID]))

(defrecord UUIDWrapper [^UUID uuid])

(defn unwrap [^UUIDWrapper w]
(.-uuid w)) ; <- No reflection

(defn get-lower-bits [^UUIDWrapper w]
(-> w .-uuid .getLeastSignificantBits)) ; <- Reflection :(

The compiler seems to have all the information it needs, but lein check prints

Reflection warning, field_test/core.clj:10:3 - reference to field getLeastSignificantBits on java.lang.Object can't be resolved.

(test case also at

4 Answers

0 votes

Comment made by: alexmiller

afaik, that ^UUID type hint on the record field doesn't do anything. The record field will be of type Object (only ^double and ^long affect the actual field type).

Perhaps more importantly, it is bad form to use Java interop to retrieve the field values of a record. Keyword access for that is preferred.

0 votes

Comment made by: bronsa

The same issue applies for deftypes where keyword access is not an option

0 votes

Comment made by: alexmiller

Per "You should always program to protocols or interfaces -
datatypes cannot expose methods not in their protocols or interfaces"

Along those lines, usually for deftypes, I gen an interface with the proper types if necessary, then have the deftype implement the interface to expose the field.

Also per

"note that currently a type hint of a non-primitive type will not be used to constrain the field type nor the constructor arg, but will be used to optimize its use in the class methods" - that is, inside a method implemented on the record/type, referring to the field should have the right hint. So in the example above, if unwrap was an interface or protocol implementation method on the record, and you referred to the field, you should expect the hint to be utilized in that scenario.

So, my contention would be that all of the behavior described in this ticket should be expected based on the design, which is why I've reclassified this as an enhancement, not a defect.

0 votes
Reference: (reported by michaelblume)