I noticed a few behavioral differences between the CLR and JVM implementations of tools.namespace
As an example, the following tests will pass in the JVM implementation and fail in the CLR implementation. In CLR, files-2
is empty and ::dir/time
is an instant.
(ns clojure.tools.namespace.repl-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
[clojure.tools.namespace.dir :as dir]
[clojure.tools.namespace.find :as find]
[clojure.tools.namespace.repl :as repl]
[clojure.tools.namespace.test-helpers :as help]))
(deftest t-repl-scan
(let [dir (help/create-temp-dir "t-repl-scan")
_main-clj (help/create-source dir 'example.main :clj '[example.one])
_one-cljc (help/create-source dir 'example.one :clj)
_other-dir (help/create-temp-dir "t-repl-scan-other")
files-1 (::dir/files (repl/scan {:platform find/clj}))
files-2 (::dir/files (repl/scan {:platform find/clj}))]
(is (not-empty files-1))
(is (not-empty files-2))
(is (= files-1 files-2))))
(deftest t-repl-scan-time
(let [scan (repl/scan {:platform find/clj})]
(is (integer? (::dir/time scan)))))
After discussing with other contributors, the question of intent came up and this test was proposed as something that correctly captures the intent of repl/scan
. However, if this is the intended behavior, then a new problem arises as this test fails in the JVM implementation.
(deftest t-repl-scan
(let [dir (help/create-temp-dir "t-repl-scan")
_main-clj (help/create-source dir 'example.main :clj '[example.one])
_one-cljc (help/create-source dir 'example.one :clj)
other-dir (help/create-temp-dir "t-repl-scan-other")
_ (repl/set-refresh-dirs dir other-dir)
scan1 (repl/scan {:platform find/clj})
scan2 (repl/scan {:platform find/clj})
files-1 (::dir/files scan1)
files-2 (::dir/files scan2)]
(is (= (count files-1) 2))
(is (= (count files-2) 0)))
(finally (repl/clear))))
A couple things I think would help here:
1. Flesh out the tools.namespace
(JVM) test suite to capture all the intended behavior.
2. Realign clr.tools.namespace
with tools.namespace
Point 1 will provide a good baseline for point 2, as well as any other existing/future ports of tools.namespace
and help prevent things from diverging in the future as changes are made.
As of writing, repl/scan
will throw an InvalidCastException
on CLR. To fix this, replace clojure.tools.namespace.dir/modified-files
with this:
(defn- modified-files [tracker files]
(filter #(DateTime/op_LessThan ^DateTime (::time tracker System.DateTime/UnixEpoch) (.get_LastWriteTimeUtc ^FileSystemInfo %)) files))