On Powershell, when you run the command
Write-Output 'foo' | clojure -M -e '(println (slurp *in*))'
the process hangs and waits for interactive input, rather than printing the piped input.
This seems to be because the calls to java
in the Powershell implementation of clj
do not explicitly hand over $Input
when it is bound.
Based on this discussion on a similar issue, this proof of concept demonstrates a potential fix:
PS> Get-Content clj.ps1
if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
$Input | java -classpath "$(clojure -Spath)" clojure.main -e '(println (slurp *in*))'
} else {
java -classpath "$(clojure -Spath)" clojure.main -e '(println (slurp *in*))'
PS> Write-Output 'foo' | .\clj.ps1
PS> .\clj.ps1
This text was supplied interactively, followed by a ^C
This text was supplied interactively, followed by a ^C
h/t @hiredman on the Clojurians Slack for finding that GitHub discussion