Hello folks!, I got a rare issue, where I have a 2 sets of maps and I need get the differences between both like the following example:
first-sequence: #{{:id "test" :status :up} {:id "other" :status :up}}
second-sequence: #{{:id"test" :status :up} {:id "other" :status :up}}
So with these two sets of data I execute the following sentence
(seq (map #(produce!
(adapt-schema %) producer)
(first (clojure.data/diff first-sequence second-sequence))))
And I expect as result
[nil nil #{{:id "test" :status :up} {:id "other" :status :up}]
But I get in tests the following result from de diff and after I publish wrong number of messages
[#{{:id "test" :status :up} {:id "other" :status :up}#{{:id "test" :status :up} {:id "other" :status :up}nil]
But for example in the REPL I get the correct values so I'm lost with this behavior, any response will be very helpful for me. Thanks!