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in Clojure by

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(fn [] (loop [b 0] (recur (loop [a 1] a))))

Generates the following warnings:

recur arg for primitive local: b is not matching primitive, had: Object, needed: long
Auto-boxing loop arg: b

This is interesting for several reasons.  For one, if the arg to {{recur}} is a {{let}} form, there is no warning:

(fn [] (loop [b 0] (recur (let [a 1] a))))

Also, the compiler appears to understand the return type of {{loop}} forms just fine:

(use '[clojure.contrib.repl-utils :only [expression-info]])
(expression-info '(loop [a 1] a))
;=> {:class long, :primitive? true}

The problem can of course be worked around using an explicit cast on the {{loop}} form:

(fn [] (loop [b 0] (recur (long (loop [a 1] a)))))

Reported by leafw in IRC:

*See Also:* CLJ-1422

*Patch:* 0001-CLJ-701-add-HoistedMethod-to-the-compiler-for-hoisti-v2.patch

47 Answers

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Comment made by: hiredman

so I don't forget, I realized the issue with data.xml is because the 'is' macro in the test expands in to a try/catch in an expression context, which is hoisted, and the hoist causes the whole environment not to be cleared until the hoisted method returns, which is obviously not correct.

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Reference: (reported by